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Read Before Participating: TERMS OF USE for LaGenetica.info forums

January 23, 2015 04:59PM

- This space is intended for the publication of consultations, queries, news or information related to the topics discussed in "Genetics Made Easy".
- Any message containing information that is not related to the topics discussed on this website; that does not provide information that may be of interest to the general public; or that is published for commercial purposes, will be removed from the forum.
- This is a common space. Please respect the rules and advice set for its proper functioning.
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- DO NOT provide any personal details or confidential information.
- Before posting a new topic, use the forum search engine. Maybe the subject has been discussed beforehand and the information you are looking for is already available for consultation.
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- Be descriptive in your title and provide all the information you think will be necessary to be able to respond in detail to your query.


Our forum is moderated a priori on a weekly basis.
The moderators and administrators are volunteers and health professionals. They use the following aliases:

- Dra. Maite Solé Pujol
- Dr. Jaume Antich i Femenías
- Dra. Concepció Bach Vallmajor

The answers or comments published in this forum are not, and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Despite the scientific rigor of the moderators in answering the questions posed, and although the information that appears in these answers is or may be very complete and appropriate to the case, the information provided should not be interpreted as a personalized diagnosis, nor as an opinion or expert report on the specific case, since this requires a complete clinical evaluation by a specialist.


The information provided in this forum is designed to complement, not replace, the direct relationship between patients and health professionals.

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By using our forums, you agree to publish information that you know to be irrefutably true and accurate. If the information you publish is not based on a personal experience, we ask that you provide us with the sources (references, links, etc.) whenever relevant and possible.
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Forum administrators and moderators reserve the right to delete the messages considered inappropriate without notifying the author. In cases of abuse or misuse of the website, the administrators and moderators reserve the right to prohibit access to the forum of any user. In both instances, an explanation will be provided if the user submits a request to that effect.

Thanks for consulting and using our forums.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/21/2018 07:57PM by admin.
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Read Before Participating: TERMS OF USE for LaGenetica.info forums

admin 4427 January 23, 2015 04:59PM